Product deployment task is in status invalid.
Failed to delete product deployment task.
Error: The system could not delete the deployment or asscociated tasks and tags
Product deployment task is in status invalid.
Failed to delete product deployment task.
Error: The system could not delete the deployment or asscociated tasks and tags
Error: The system could not delete the deployment or associated tasks and tags
This problem can be solve only by delete the task from the database of ePO.
Recommended: Backup your ePO server and database.
Log in to the database via studio management, the user should be able to run the following SQL statement, substituting in the appropriate name for the Product Deployment:
"DELETE FROM EPODeployment WHERE Name='My Project Name'"
(Replace 'My Project Name' as appropriate. Note this is destructive and cannot be reversed.)
This problem can be solve only by delete the task from the database of ePO.
Recommended: Backup your ePO server and database.
Log in to the database via studio management, the user should be able to run the following SQL statement, substituting in the appropriate name for the Product Deployment:
"DELETE FROM EPODeployment WHERE Name='My Project Name'"
(Replace 'My Project Name' as appropriate. Note this is destructive and cannot be reversed.)