McAfee Active Response Hotfix is now available.
This hotfix includes the following fixes:
For more information, see the Release Notes in PD26681:
This hotfix includes the following fixes:
- The underlying McAfee Linux Operating System (MLOS) in Active Response Server was patched to avoid the net/ipv4/tcp_input.c vulnerability reported in CVE-2016-5696.
- A fix was implemented to report the correct platform version of Active Response Server in ePolicy Orchestrator.
- A change was implemented to allow the Active Response Linux client to be installed on endpoints with custom content in file /etc/issue.
- A fix was implemented to solve cases where Active Response Aggregator failed to install on Data Exchange Layer Brokers version
- The underlying MLOS in Active Response Server was patched to avoid the opensshd "user enumeration" issue reported in CVE-2016-6210.
For more information, see the Release Notes in PD26681: