As previously announced, there are two modifications scheduled for deployment for both V2 and V3 DATs. We have extended the evaluation periods to allow customers more time for testing.
The first change includes updated digital certificate information for McAfee products with DAT releases:
The first change includes updated digital certificate information for McAfee products with DAT releases:
- This change went live on our commonupdater2 locations on October 25, 2016.
- **CHANGE** The go-live date for our commonupdater locations has been moved to one week later than previously announced. It is now scheduled for November 8, 2016.
- **CHANGE** The start date of the opt-in customer evaluation period via commonupdater3 has been moved to later than previously announced. It will not start on November 15. It is now scheduled for late November.
- The go-live dates for our commonupdater2, commonupdater, and locations are still planned for early Q1 2017.