McAfee Application Control Extension is now available.
Supported platforms -
This release is available for Microsoft Windows 7 and later platforms. This release is unavailable on the Microsoft Windows Vista platform.
Supported McAfee ePO versions -
Installation and upgrade of Solidcore extension 8.0.0 is supported on McAfee ePO versions 5.1.0–5.1.3 and 5.3.0–5.3.2.
Supported McAfee Agent versions-
This release supports McAfee Agent versions 5.0.3 and later. Install or upgrade of Solidcore client on earlier versions of McAfee Agent will fail
Resolved issues
For a list of issues fixed in earlier releases, see the Release Notes for the specific release.
The current release of the product resolved these issues:
For a list of known issues in this product release, see this McAfee KnowledgeBase article: KB87839
Customers can obtain the software from McAfee Download Site , behind the appropriate grant numbers.
Knowledge Base Articles
The following articles have been created for this release:
PD27111 - Application and Change Control (Solidcore) ePO Extension Release Notes
Supported platforms -
This release is available for Microsoft Windows 7 and later platforms. This release is unavailable on the Microsoft Windows Vista platform.
Supported McAfee ePO versions -
Installation and upgrade of Solidcore extension 8.0.0 is supported on McAfee ePO versions 5.1.0–5.1.3 and 5.3.0–5.3.2.
Supported McAfee Agent versions-
This release supports McAfee Agent versions 5.0.3 and later. Install or upgrade of Solidcore client on earlier versions of McAfee Agent will fail
Resolved issues
For a list of issues fixed in earlier releases, see the Release Notes for the specific release.
The current release of the product resolved these issues:
- Error while sending automatic response of type File content change email.
- Error when importing Offline GTI results.
- Alert Message is set to Event Generated time = UTC but actually = Local Time of Event in EPO.
- Application control rules policy in extension does not accept trusted directories with space.
- Hidden GTI settings are not getting updated in McAfee Default Options policy after content update.
- Need to handle escaping character for Regex in Execution Control Rules.
For a list of known issues in this product release, see this McAfee KnowledgeBase article: KB87839
Customers can obtain the software from McAfee Download Site , behind the appropriate grant numbers.
Knowledge Base Articles
The following articles have been created for this release:
PD27111 - Application and Change Control (Solidcore) ePO Extension Release Notes